I work with startups & creative entrepreneurs to develop their identity, voice & original messaging.

MY APPROACH: Soulful & Personable

Strategize - I develop strong creative positioning that resonates with your audience
Write - I craft on-brand, original copy that brings your mission to life and emboldens your voice
Edit - I refine your messaging with articulate, natural, and relatable language

Check out a few snippets of my work below

Copy and Branding Project

Defining Brand Voice and Writing Label Copy - by Jane Eisner Creative

Meet Wildflower: The California Dream in a Bottle. Inspired by Mother Nature, the beverage brand, Wildflower, was determined to make a bottled tea that was as natural as its namesake.

I developed the brand voice, wrote the copy, and oversaw the

label and logo design to ensure consistent branding from start to finish.

Copy for the Label

It was paramount that the Wildflower story reflected the company’s core values: respecting the earth and creating a healthful drink that delivered happiness. This was achieved in the design through illustrations of outdoor adventures, such as coastal van camping, desert hiking, and the logo which depicts a wildflower in full bloom. I mirrored these freedom inspiring images with copy that evoked similar sentiments.

The Brand

Copywriting for CPG Companies - by Jane Eisner Creative

 Copywriting & Brand Voice for a Startup

Partnerhood is a startup devoted to helping couples work as a team to build a happier home. They accomplished this by developing a deck of cards that helps couples divide and conquer household tasks together.

It was essential to the founder that I wrote copy that conveyed their mission in a clear, concise, and relatable way.
Let’s check it out.

Welcome to Partnerhood
Domestic bliss is just a game plan away

Partnerhood is a deck of cards that helps couples work as a team to fairly divide up household responsibilities and build a happier home.

Website Copywriting - by Jane Eisner Creative

Strengthen your home team

You and your partner are capable, effective doers. In your work lives, you know how to be team players: how to delegate, collaborate, and create clear ownership so that everyone shines.

Partnerhood empowers you to take those same practices and apply them to your home team.

Copy for Lifestyle Brands - by Jane Eisner Creative

Make your game plan, together

Whether we realize it or not, we’re culturally wired to take on certain roles at home. Our home life patterns have been highly influenced by our parents, friends, and societal norms that have persisted for generations. We get into bad habits and sometimes resentment begins to creep in. Before you know it, trouble in paradise, baby!

Partnerhood untangles these deeply ingrained habits so that you can run your home as united partners.

Our mission is to create more balance in the home by giving couples the tools to build a flourishing, well-aligned, and happy partnership.

Partnerhood card deck

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Copy for Small Businesses - by Jane Eisner Creative

Partnerhood game instructions

Copywriting for games for couples - by Jane Eisner Creative
Copywriting for games for couples - by Jane Eisner Creative

Let’s work together.

Please contact me to discuss the details of your project.

I am so excited to work with you - let’s do this thing!
San Francisco, CA, 94110