Dear Texas,

Play Excerpts


Dear Texas, captures the experience of being a transgender person, gender transition, and the courage it takes to fight for personal authenticity. The play, based on hours of interviews, takes us through the raw realities of breaking past gender norms, discovering body and mind alignment, and the human drive to be seen by others as we see ourselves.

Culminating in a courtroom scene (based on an actual case which took place in Texas), what unravels is a discrimination case cloaked in a custody battle. While tragedy strikes, the audience is ultimately reassured by the strength rising up from the transgender community who stand united in stark counterpoint to the echoes of a dying past.

Scene Two - Introduction

Scene 2, pg 4 .jpg
scene 2, pg 5.jpg

Scene Three - Bike Shop

scene 3, pg 6.jpg
scene 3, pg 7.jpg
scene 3, pg 8.jpg

Scene Five - Nan AKA Vagina Wolff

scene 5, page-0012.jpg

Scene Six - Popcorn!

scene 6, page-0014.jpg
scene 6, page-0015.jpg
scene 6, pg 16.jpg
scene 6, pg 17.jpg

Scene Eight - Virginia

scene 8, page-0020.jpg
scene 8, page-0021.jpg

Scene Nine - Coffee Shop

scene 9, page-0022.jpg
Scene 9, page-0023.jpg

Scene Ten - Pillow Talk
Scene Eleven - Nightmare

Scene 10, page-0024.jpg
Scene 11, page-0025.jpg
Scene 11, page-0026.jpg
Scene 11, pg 27.jpg
Scene 12, pg 29.jpg
Scene 12, pg 30.jpg

Scene Thirteen - Epilogue

Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 1.30.12 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 1.31.27 PM.png

If you are interested in reading the full script or producing Dear Texas, please get in touch with me. Iā€™d be honored to share the play with you. Thank you!

Playwright - Jane Eisner Creative

Dear Texas,


Me Too